Saturday, 25 August 2012

firstly , I  want to say SELAMAT HARI RAYA to all bloggers <3 hewheww . this is my bigggg family , awesome right ? hoho . if you know me , you can detect which one is me in this image :) anyway , sorry for what I have done to anyone who read this post :) love you always , guys . to MR.SMURF , blabla -___-

Saturday, 4 August 2012

this is me :) time buka puasa at rumah nenek . HEHE .

Mac Harryson ? LOL

salamm :)
today , I'll go back to "prison" . haha . I mean hostel @ MRSM Kch . hurmmm . that's all . I don't know what to says -.- . HAHA . anyway , Mac Harryson , my form 3 senior at school stalk my blog =P and about Afiq Hamizan , he knows that I'm waiting for MR.SMURF .  frustrated ! ! = =" bubbye .

*dear Mac ,
i'm talking about you now . . hahahaha ! =D

Joshua .. ?

I was texting with Joshua , my form 3 senior at school . he stays at hostel and playing with his guitar . he said that my MR.SMURF already went to his house yesterday . HAHA . anyway , i was kept on laughing when texting with him . LOL . that's all . feel sleepy already . 0_0

tercipta untukku

aku ingin engkau slalu , hadir dan temani aku .
di setiap langkah yg meyakini ku , kau tercipta untukku , sepanjang hidupku~

my fir$t bloG :)

salamm from me , Dayangku Siti Nur Ashwani binti Awang Ahmad Safri :) ermm . this is my first blog . HUHU . happy2 . tmpt utk luahkan prasaan selain my diary . so , this blog will be my second Diary :) keep in touch yaww ! \m/